Pumping Eggs
My husband asked me to participate in a contest that Abraham Piper has going on. The challenge is to write a 22 word story for or about children. So, here is my story...
My husband asked me to participate in a contest that Abraham Piper has going on. The challenge is to write a 22 word story for or about children. So, here is my story...
I thank the LORD for R.C. Sproul. In my mind, he is like a godly grandfather who gives sound advice, and wisdom. I was first introduced to Dr. Sproul back in 2002 when I was studying eschatology. His book, The Last Days According to Jesus, has forever impacted me. During a time of turmoil in my mind in regards to understanding eschatology, Dr. Sproul's teaching helped me to understand many things that were previously so strange and obscure. Of course, as for many families, he had a major impact on our family's understanding of reformed theology. Dr. Sproul explains complicated things so well, and he is a wonderful person to learn from. My husband and I have collectively read a number of his books, and listened to a countless number of his teachings.
I think that Dr. Sproul is most unique in the way that he explains theology to children. It is amazing to me that a man who teaches theology (which can be a hard thing for many to understand) explains it so well to little children. Our family has owned Dr. Sproul's children's books for years. The first that we ever owned was The Priest with Dirty Clothes. I still remember the Christmas that our then 3 year old daughter received that from us a gift. She was so excited. It was her favorite book for a long time. She asked my husband and me to read that book to her so many times. She would even ask visitors to our home to read it to her. A few years ago, she asked for The Lightlings as a Christmas present. I didn't think we were going to be able to get it for her. I went to a local Presbyterian bookstore to get it that year, and they were out. But in the LORD's Providence, He provided for her as I was getting the children buckled in the car. As we were buckling, a lady came to the store to return a copy. The lady that worked at the store ran out to our van to tell me that it had been returned. It was so wonderful seeing God's Providence. That book proved to be a favorite for her as well. By that time, she could read herself, and she read it over and over many times.
I believe that Dr. Sproul has once again written a book that explains theological truths in a wonderful way. His book The Prince's Poison Cup does just that. The Prince's Poison Cup is about a little girl who wants to understand why her medicine tastes so bad if it is good for her. She asks her grandfather this question, and he tells her the story of a Prince who once drank something that tasted really bad, and in fact was even poisonous, but was done for a really good reason.
This book is very appealing story wise and visually. Dr. Sproul is such a good storyteller, and he has indeed done a great job with this book as well. The book's illustrator, Justin Gerard did an excellent job. He also illustrated Dr. Sproul's book, The Lightlings. The pictures are captivating, and certainly hold the attention of children. My two year old was immediately drawn to the pictures which of course held her attention to listen to the story (important for very little ones).
I think this book is going to be another family favorite in the Bradley household. I look forward to reading this story many times to my children. I would highly recommend this book if someone is looking for a good Christmas present to a child of any age.
We went to the fair on Tuesday. The children have been counting down the days. Shane even took off so we could all go as a family. Honestly, I don't think I would have taken all 5 to the fair without him. That would be TOO hard!!
I took the children to Dollar Tree yesterday to let them pick out some balloons and gifts as a part of my Aunt Brenda's belated birthday gift. Now, going anywhere with my five children ages 7 and under is a feat, but I think that I am finally getting used to it. I've been mommy to 5 for five months now. But we made it in, found our gifts and balloons, and proceeded to check out.
Our church held a delightful Sip and See for me and the baby. We were blessed with so many diapers. It will be a while before we will need to purchase diapers for the baby. We were also blessed with a new carseat and many other special gifts. Here are a few pictures.
My Aunt Brenda and my mother-in-law, Dianne
Mom, myself, and my firstborn
One of the many packages of diapers we were blessed with
The baby slept the entire time
My second born with the baby.