Friday, June 29, 2007


I posted about a recent visit we had with some families, but you'll have to scroll down.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Our baby's first birthday

Tuesday we celebrated our baby's first birthday. Here are some pictures of our celebration.

Shane presents the cake.

She puts her finger in the frosting.

Her first taste of cake.

How the GA in Memphis blessed us

The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America took place in Memphis, TN this year. I was looking forward to hearing Dr. R.C. Sproul speak. He was one of the speakers. But, that did not work out. In fact, the Bradley Family did not have the chance to attend any of the meetings or worship services of the GA. But we were blessed by it anyway.

We were blessed because we had the wonderful opportunity of having fellowship with like-minded families. The George Family was in Memphis for the GA. Nathan Clark George sang during the GA. We were able to have dinner with them as well as my friend Jenee's family, the night before the GA began.

Nathan Clark George is a talented singer-songwriter. He and his family live in a motorhome, and travel together as Nathan sings various places across the country. His music is very unique. It is written from a very strong theological viewpoint, yet is very easy to listen to. I don't know if I should compare him to other musicians, but his music kind of reminds me of a younger Michael Card. His music also reminds me of Over the Rhine. I guess it is the piano, and guitar in some songs. If you get the chance, please check out his music.

We were blessed to have time with his sweet family. His wife Patsy is very kind. We had a lot in common to talk about. Patsy even recognized the Prairie Muffin Manifesto that I have a copy of hanging in my kitchen. Most people wonder what in the world it is if they happen so see it. She recognized it!! I really enjoyed the conversations we had. The George children were very sweet as well. My children enjoyed spending the time with them. The time was made even better because my friend Jenee and her family were able to join us. We had a great time visiting. The house was full of children. We had our four, Jenee had her four (well 3 and one teenager), and the Georges had their four. It was loud at times but it was certainly a joyful noise. So, even though we did not attend any meetings for the GA, we were blessed tremendously by it being in Memphis.

The only thing I would say negative about the visit, is that it was too short. I hope the LORD blesses us with the opportunity to visit again.

The children waiting for the arrival of our guests

A picture of our families together
Jenee's family on the left, the George Family in the middle, the Bradley Family on the right

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Family vacation 2007

We returned last week from a wonderful family vacation. The Bradley Family took a trip to North Carolina. Our main reason for traveling was to attend the American Vision Worldview Super Conference. We also stopped to visit Dollywood, the Smoky Mountains, and the Biltmore.

Dollywood was fun. Shane decided that he wanted everyone to dress similarly, so everyone, including the baby had on their western attire. I was the only one without a western shirt, but I tried to match with a red shirt and a jean skirt. Shane and the children even wore red bandannas. The children enjoyed all the rides. I think their favorite part was getting their souvenir cowboy hats and guns. I even got a cowboy hat. I decided it would be good to keep the sun out of my face.

The next day, we took a detour through the Great Smoky Mountains. I heard about a hiking trail that was supposed to be fairly easy. It was paved and said to be okay for strollers and wheelchairs. It was also slightly over a mile long, so I did not think much of it. I soon found out that it was not what I expected. It was pretty steep, and scary at some points. But we persevered and made it to the top destination, Laurel Falls. It was pretty. But that was the last hike we took together during that trip. We also took an auto tour though a part of the forest. It apparently was once a community within the mountains. It was very beautiful. We stopped at one point and visited a house that was once home to a family on 13. It was hard to imagine that many people living in such a small space. I had Shane take some pictures of me and the kids in the doorway of the home. Our oldest wanted to pretend it was our home and the other tourists were our guests. We continued our trip through the park and went on to the Ridgecrest Conference center to get ready for the start of the conference the next day.

Some pictures of us at our "house". It is really hard to believe that 11 children were raised in this house.
In Tennessee

In North Carolina

Shane and some of the kiddos by a creek in the mountains

We had a wonderful time at the conference and learned many things. It was also neat to be among many like-minded families. It was nice to not feel awkward with a large family, and it was also nice being at a conference where children were welcomed.

My favorite speaker was Voddie Baucham. He is actually one of the main reasons why we attended the conference. He is a very powerful speaker. Shane and I were very encouraged as we listened to this large African American preacher exhort us in homeschooling our children, and raising them deliberately in a Christian culture, in the nurture and admonition of the LORD. Shane told me that night that attending the conference was worth it, just to hear Voddie speak.
There were also many other good speakers. Some were Jonathan Sarfati of Creation on the Web, Hank Hanegraaf of CRI, and Bill Jack of Worldview Academy.

I did not get the chance to listen to all of the speakers. That was expected since some of the speakers were scheduled to speak after 9:00 p.m. But I am looking forward to hearing the CDs and watching the DVDs from the conference.

We met some sweet families at the conference. I think we are planning on attending the conference next year, and a number of the families said that they were planning on attending next year, too. It will be nice to see the families again. It will be like a small reunion.

On our way back home, we stopped at the Biltmore. Our oldest was very impressed with the house. She said that she wanted us to buy it, and have everyone we know to move in with us. My second born, who is three, described the Biltmore to my Aunt Brenda as a house with “a lot of rooms, and a lot of bathrooms.”

We made it back home last Monday afternoon. It is nice to be back home, and get back into our routine, but it was nice having Shane with us everyday for two weeks. I pray that one day the LORD will bless us so that Shane can work from home and be with us everyday.


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